Sitecore 9.3 – No catalog data available

We need to configure the catalog when setting up a storefront. This can be done by going to the Commerce Catalog Folder template item located under sitecore/Content/<tenant>/<site>/Home item. We also need to select the categories to display on the storefront. This can be done by navigating to the /sitecore/content/<tenant>/<site>/Settings/Commerce/Catalog Configuration item & selecting the start navigation category. Sometimes we might see the “No catalog data available” message after setting up a storefront. These are locations where we need to check for the catalog related settings.
Commerce control panel storefront settings:

If we see the no catalog data message, we need to look at the catalog configuration in the commerce control panel storefront settings, Catalog Configuration. In this item, we need to make sure that the catalog & start navigation category property are selected with correct catalog & category values.
Storefront settings:

We also need to make sure that the appropriate catalog is selected in the Catalogs item. This item is located under storefront>Home item. After publishing these changes the catalog data not found should be fixed.